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Why You Should Start Yoga Now
Yoga Beginner

Why You Should Start Yoga Now

Yoga is not just any sport; it’s a practice for both the body and the mind that can change and transform your life. Read my 5 reasons why you should start with yoga now.

Yoga Tips & Trickshauptbild

How to use the 123 Asanas Collection

I have just launched my latest product: the 123 Asanas Collection. A compilation of 123 yoga poses with hand-painted stick figures. Each pose includes the English and Sanskrit names. Read which yog...

Yoga PracticeYoutube

How to motivate yourself for your yoga practice

It is not always easy to motivate yourself for your yoga practice. Today, so much is demanded of us and we quickly feel overwhelmed. And then to practice yoga... how can we do that?

Yoga PracticeBuechlein mit flows toby

Toby the Meditating Cricket: Inspiring yoga stick figures for your practice

In this article, I would like to introduce you to my stick figure Toby. Toby the Meditating Cricket explains yoga flows in a clear way, so you can practice them at your own pace.

Yoga Practice1_Hauptbild

5 yoga poses to improve your balance

Balancing on one leg can be tricky. Especially if we rarely practice it, do little exercise, or after an injury. In yoga, there are some poses that are on one leg that can improve your balance.

Yoga BeginnerHauptbild

5 yoga poses to improve body awareness

Yoga is the perfect practice to improve body awareness. Body awareness helps you prevent injuries, improve your posture, improve your athletic performance, help reduce stress and relieve pain.