yoga teacher

How to create a yoga sequence

How to sequence

Learn how to create a great and integral yoga sequence. Find the 5 most important key points in my new Youtube video

As a yoga teacher, I created hundreds of yoga flows and sequences. In my new video, I explain how I create a peak pose sequence. This is perfect if you are a yoga teacher and looking for inspiration. Or if you are a yoga teacher trainee who just finished the yoga teacher training or is in the middle of your yoga studies. It's also great for yogis who wanna play and create their own flows.

You'll find information about these 5 key points:

  1. the dramaturgy of a yoga class 
  2. the components of a yoga lesson 
  3. how to create a yoga sequence 
  4. record your lesson 
  5. practice your sequence

Please let me know if this was helpful. And be nice in the comments as this is my first youtube video and I gave my best to convey great content.

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