yoga teacher

How to find the perfect Yoga Teacher training

Yoga Teacher Karin Baltisberger - Copyright Olivia Pulver - July 2022

A Yoga teacher training can change your life. It certainly changed mine. Not immediately, but permanently. But how do you find the right teacher training for you? There are now a plethora of offerings - locally and internationally.

My teacher training found me. It was offered at the studio where I was practicing and my teacher asked me if it was something for me. I couldn't imagine teaching yoga at the time, but I wanted to do something for myself and deepen my practice. So I agreed - with a teacher I didn't even know. I was very lucky and it was a great experience and the quality of the training was very high. In the meantime I have done many teacher training and if I would start all over again, these would be the most important criteria for me.

Get to know the teacher

Before you agree to a training, get to know the teacher and her style. You may get lucky, like I did, but what if you don't like the teacher's style. The first teacher training usually takes 200 hours and that is a big financial and time investment. Many teacher training offers Q&A before the training starts. This gives you the opportunity to clarify any unanswered questions. Whenever possible, attend a class of the main trainer - on-site or online.


Find out about the course content

A syllabus should be included in the teacher training description. Make sure there is enough time allotted for you to learn how to teach and how to use language for cueing. Also essential is a larger section on anatomy. A basic understanding is important to understand the mechanics of the body and to properly instruct your students. Philosophy and history of yoga should also be part of the training.

Compare the costs

Before you definitely sign up, compare different teacher training and especially the cost. Pay attention to what is included and what you have to pay extra. For example, room and board, flight. This way you can get an overview of the total costs.


Local or international?

It all depends on your preferences and financial possibilities. Do you prefer to stay local or do you want to travel abroad for the training, perhaps to a warm place?


At a stretch or spread out over a longer period of time?

Both have their advantages and disadvantages. If you do the teacher training in one piece, you learn a lot in a short period of time. You can fully devote yourself to the training and concentrate on it. The connection to the other participants often becomes very strong and the group helps to shed old patterns and to open up. Sometimes there is not enough time to digest everything you experience and learn.
On the other hand, if you do it over a longer period of time, you have more time to integrate and process what you have learned. You have more time in between to practice teaching, which is a big advantage. The disadvantage is that you don't get to know the other participants as intensively and you can better hide behind your "mask".


Find out about your certificate

Yoga Alliance is currently the international standard for yoga training. If a training is Yoga Alliance certified, this does not say anything about the quality of the training, but some studios require it in order for you to teach there. There are regionally different certification labels. The best thing to do is to find out which certification standard your training offers and to read about the standard they set.

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